By Anne Mungai (annemungai_)

Moving on from a relationship is easier said than done.These pointers will help in understanding why most times, moving on is quite difficult.

Guilt: The feeling of guilt makes it quite difficult to forget and leave everything in the past. In most relationships, one party may be the one inflicting hurt and pain, leading to feelings of guilt when the relationship ends. Forgiveness from the wronged person and self is important in order to move on.

Closure: It is sad that some people get no closure after a break up from their ex. It is quite painful to continually wonder why they broke it off. Most people don’t see the breakup coming. Seek closure but if this proves difficult, it is advisable not to force it out of them.

Want them back: Wanting the ex back is a pretty good reason why letting go seems impossible. The thought of wanting to fix back everything still lingers. If the other party is not interested in getting back together, moving on is the best option.

It is quite difficult to move on from a relationship that is dead, break ups are never easy. Choose acceptance. This way, new love is bound to happen and baggage is left in the past. Avoid holding on to anger or bitterness, these emotions can enslave you for the rest of your life.  

relationships;hurt;move on