The Vatican was hiring a new driver for the pope and a small panel was put together to interview the world’s best drivers. On the last day, three of the best were shortlisted. Each of them was shown a treacherous, hilly stretch of road that had quite a few bends. They were then asked, you are rushing the pope to the airport and he can’t afford to be late for his next flight. How closely to the edge of the cliff could you drive and still get him there on time?

The first driver, wanting to impress said, “Based on my formula one driving experience, I think I could drive within one metre from the cliff going quite fast and still get him there with 30 minutes to spare.

The second one when it was his turn said, “As a former rally driver, I believe I could easily stay around three metres from the bends and get him there with ten minutes to spare.”

But it was the last driver who got the job. You know what he said? “I would slow down almost to a halt around those dangerous turns. It’s more important for the pope to get there alive than to be dead on time.”

Many of us time-wise, financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically are driving a few centimetres from the edge. We are stretched to the limit, and any unscheduled demand on our time, any unexpected bill, any emotional crisis, or any physical illness, even a small one like flu, can become the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. We’re driving at the cliff’s edge and a small gust of wind could prove to be our undoing.

One of the problems of our frantic lifestyle is that we’re so caught up in doing the urgent things in life that we have no time left for what is truly important. I’ve never heard of anyone who at their deathbed said, “oh, if only I had made more sales!” or “oh, if only I had gotten another promotion at work!” Most people at such times focus on what was truly important. They wish they had spent more time with their spouse, children and friends, or that they had spent more time doing things that had eternal consequence

You see, you could be running very fast but doing things that you were not created to do. It’s like studying very hard for a geography exam only to find when you get to the exam room that it was a math exam!

It doesn’t matter how right your answers are if you’re starting with the wrong questions.

What are some of the things you need to stop doing? Let me encourage you to regularly schedule some time to refocus on whether you are accomplishing your divine purpose or merely keeping busy. You see, it’s not busyness but effectiveness that counts.

Pastor M is a leadership coach, author and senior pastor at Mavuno church. Follow him on twitter @muriithiw or like his Facebook page, ‘pastor _m’


