There's one thing you are so good at, everyone around you notices you for it (Shutterstock)

There’s that one thing you do so well. The one you can do for hours and feel like it’s been a few minutes.

The one you are so good at, everyone around you notices you for it. That thing or process is discussed and your name comes up immediately.

But there’s also something else that’s special about this thing that you like to do. Nope, it’s not that you’re good at it. So many people are good at many things.

What makes the difference is that you have a passion for it. That you feel this thing helps you fulfill your purpose. The thing you were made to do. The reason you are on this earth.

It enables you to inspire people, or help people, or see people grow.

It’s your vessel to fulfillment, your took for making an impact.

It could be as simple as the ability to connect people or to create.

It could be that you’re good at solving problems or finding solutions.

Perhaps if you tinker with something long enough, you are able to make someone smile while you earn a coin or two.

Perhaps you’re just good at making a sale and helping someone choose something that fills a certain need perfectly.

Or you’re a visionary when it comes to styling or refurbishing something. You are able to bring to life the restoration or the change that someone needed so badly.

Whatever it is you do that makes you or someone else smile, seize the day and make it shine.


Christine Koech, Editor, Eve

My Word;Word from the Editor;Self-Confidence