A shopping addict is someone who shops compulsively and who may feel like they have no control over their behavior. some people develop shopping addictions because they essentially get addicted to how their brain feels while shopping. As they shop, their brain releases endorphins and dopamine, and over time, these feelings become addictive.

In some cases, it may be difficult to tell if you are, or a loved one is, a shopaholic. Many people adore shopping, and many people also spend too much money while engaging in this activity. It is important to note that going a shopping spree once in a while does not mean you are a shopping addict. However, there are several signs and symptoms that could prove you are addicted to shopping. Here are some of them:

1.You rationalize while you shop: When you shop, you also talk. You constantly rationalize, out loud, to anyone who will listen why you need this or that item. You ask the salesperson, “This will come in handy if I pair it with this, right?”

2.You send photos for affirmation: The moment you buy new clothes; you send photos of them to all of your friends. Receiving the, “So cute!” texts alleviates the guilt a little bit.

3. You avoid budgeting: You won’t even touch one of those budgeting apps that track your spending in certain areas. You know you won’t stick to the budgets you set and you don’t even want to know how much you spend on shopping.

4. You go shopping when stressed: Your body just seems to pull you towards clothing stores when you’re stressed out, or after you’ve received bad news. Sometimes, you look up, you’re standing in a dressing room, and you don’t even know how you got there.

5.You get really excited when you start shopping: The moment you touch that first blouse hanging on the rack, your skin feels hot. You get excited. Your heartbeat accelerates. You feel a compulsion to look at all of the clothes. You can’t just walk away now.

6.You lose track of time when you go shopping: You often look up from a rack of clothes, or from your laptop where you’ve been online shopping, and cannot believe how much time has passed. You completely lose a sense for time when you shop.

7. Shopping is an “activity” for you: When friends or family ask what you want to do on a Saturday afternoon, or during a day of site seeing in a new city, you say, “We could go shopping.”

8. You’ve spent rent/grocery/gas money on shopping: You’ve dipped into funds for essential items like rent, groceries, gas, Internet, electricity, or student loan payments to buy something you really wanted but didn’t need.

Shopaholic;Addiction;Lady Speak