Ensure you keep Miss V moisture-free by wearing breathable fabrics (Photo: Shutterstock)

One of the most fascinating parts of the female body has to be Miss V. She can not only look after herself but any small thing, can cause her to go haywire. I learned this the hard way. While I was trying to “take care of her”, little did I know that my actions were detrimental to her health. 

So many times we do things to make Miss V look nice, keep her healthier without realising that our efforts are bad for Miss V.

Let’s look at some of these below.

1. Washing her with soap or vaginal washes

When I was in campus, on a trip to the pharmacy, I came across a vaginal wash that promised to clean Miss V and leave her smelling sweet. I didn’t know much about vaginal washes then so I bought it thinking that just as I have a face wash, I should have a vaginal wash. I used it and let’s just say, that was one big mistake. It triggered all sorts of infections that kept recurring. Years later I learned that the best way to wash Miss V is with plain old water. Miss V doesn’t need any help in keeping clean. She is self-cleaning. All you need when you’re cleaning her is plain water, no soap and no vaginal washes.

2. Wearing non-cotton panties

One common cause of vaginal infections such as yeast infections and UTIs is excess moisture around Miss V. Our bodies sweat so the best way to prevent the accumulation of moisture down there is by wearing panties made of absorbent fabrics like cotton. Nylon and satin panties are pretty, no lie, but wearing them for extended periods of time puts you at risk of getting an infection. If you really want to rock that lingerie for a special someone, wear it just before your rendevous and take it off as soon as you can. 

 Avoid using soap when washing Miss V (Photo: Shutterstock)

3. Staying in your gym clothes for extended periods of time

Gym clothes are tight. When you sit in your gym clothes for hours after your workout, the mixture of sweat and vaginal discharge combined with the constricting fabric provides the perfect environment for infection-causing bacteria to thrive. The same happens when you sit in your swimming costume long after you have swam. To prevent this, change out of your gym clothes as soon as you finish working out, take a shower and wear some cotton panties. 

4. Sleeping in you panties

A friend of mine first told me about this and I thought she was nuts. But after doing some research, I learned that there was a reason for this “madness”. We’ve already seen how importance it is for Miss V to have breathable fabrics near her. But the best, according to one gynaecologist, is not to wear any underwear at all. Since many of us can’t fathom the thought of walking around without underwear, why not ditch them at night before you sleep. Allow Miss V to breath. This will prevent the accumulation of sweat consequently reducing chances of getting an infection.

5. Failing to pee after sex

It has been recommended that we should make sure we pee immediately after sex. Healthine explains that this is one way to prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI) since it will flush out the bacteria that would otherwise be lingering in there. So instead of peeing before sex, hold it and pee afterwards, ensuring the stream is strong enough to push the bacteria out.

 Change out of your workout clothes as soon as you finish exercising (Photo: Shutterstock)

6. Self-diagnosing

It’s so easy to go online, search your symptoms to get a diagnosis but this doesn’t mean that you should. You shouldn’t also treat yourself just because you’ve had say a yeast infection before and you know what medication you should take. Whenever you notice something out of the ordinary in your lady parts, visit the doctor and let them treat you.

7. Failing to change your razor often

If you shave your lady bits, Buzzfeed recommends that you change out your razor every two weeks. Keeping a razor for too long provides a surface for bacteria to accumulate which can then get transferred to Miss V. It also means that you’re using a blunt razor which puts you at risk of getting razor bumps and ingrown hairs.

8. Not washing your underwear properly

Panties are best hand washed. Use a scentless soap and ensure you dry them well before storage or wearing them. It’s preferable to dry them outside in direct sunlight. Also, remember to get new panties every six months. 

 Get a new razor every two weeks (Photo: Shutterstock)

9. Not having enough foreplay

Foreplay is absolutely necessary if you want to have pain and injury-free sex. Take the time to get yourself ready. If your partner is rushing things, speak up and tell him that you aren’t ready. 

10. Wearing pantyliners for too long

You might need to wear a pantyliner for any number of reasons like heavy discharge or spotting. Even as you strive to protect your panty and avoid any unpleasant staining, remember to change out your pantyliner throughout the day. And when you get home, remove it all together. Allow Miss V to breath.

11. Poor diet.

Eating too much sugar, processed foods and even cheese can put you at risk of getting a yeast infection. Instead, reach for healthier options like fruits and vegetables. Avoid soft drinks, too much alcohol and fried foods. Most important of all, drink plenty of water.

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