Natural hair is now trending       Photo; Courtesy

Many women are going natural and majority of them swear they will never turn back! There is everything good about giving up the heat, chemicals and weaves. Come rain, come shine: With natural hair, you don’t have to rush out of the office early because there are signs in the cloud of rain. In fact, rain stops being your enemy.

Versatility: Many people assume that natural hair has a limited number of styling options. Fortunately, it is very versatile. As your natural hair grows, there are many style options with each inch gained. You can keep it kinky by rocking a wash-and-go, keep a small afro, you can braid it, and tie a bun... the list is endless.

Itchy scalp: You can comfortably scratch your head. You need not worry about scratching your head in case it burns when relaxer is applied. Scratch your head whenever you feel like.

Goodbye relaxer: Women with chemicalised hair often worry about sweating the relaxer out. They will thus avoid gym or even partying for fear of sweating. You don’t have to worry about sweating your relaxer out. You can gym and party all you want.

Economical: You can save money with natural hair. Hair relaxers or even good weaves don’t come cheap. Women spend a lot of their hard-earned money maintaining relaxed hair. With relaxed hair, you must do a retouch at least every eight weeks; then there are the many treatments in-between. Naturalists do not have to visit their hairdressers as often as women with relaxed hair. Some women will say they would rather relax their hair because it is easier to maintain, but many natural sisters have easy, wash-and-wear styles.

Chemicals: You can care for your natural hair without dangerous chemicals. Relaxers contain ingredients that literally burn the scalp. This clearly shows that these chemicals are unhealthy for women. Some respiratory problems have been allegedly associated with the use of chemicals. Potassium hydroxide, for example, is a very strong chemical and inhaling it causes coughing, sneezing, and breathing problems. If one is exposed to it for long periods, it is strong enough to damage the lungs.

Health: The hair is stronger, extra durable, more nutrient-rich, sheds less and grows faster than relaxed hair. Relaxers in the long run damage the roots, which can cause alopecia (baldness), hair breakage, scalp irritation and sometimes stunted hair growth. Without chemicals on your mane, your hair is thick and full.

Beauty: They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are, however, men who only believe in women who are natural. To them, there’s something about a woman with a head full of hair that’s all hers. Those not endowed try to achieve this by wearing a weave instead. Trust me, most men love natural.