Well, there are some of us who cannot stand the pubic hair down there. They prefer going baldy and its okay. There is the groupie that is #teampubichair and it’s also very fine.

But did you know there are some scary reasons why you should not shave the hair down there?

The hair prevents the skin from contracting boils, sores, genital warts or growths. The pubic hair contains sexual secretions that are retained at the region to keep the intimacy in action. It controls your temperature down there. We were taught in Science that hair helps in regulating body temperature by releasing an oil which evaporates to keep the skin cooled. It is a natural lubrication especially in intercourse and sexual arousals. It reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. This is because those who have cleaned up their nunu have these tiny wounds that are formed and are open to allow any bacteria but with some hair down there, it protects. There is less itching compared to when you shave, you want to itch your crotch in public.

