Finally, that great guy you’ve been hoping to get a date with is on board and he just asked when you are available! You know you’ve been waiting for this day but aren’t quite sure how to present yourself, then again, you’d love to make a lasting first impression!

While we’d love to encourage you to be ‘yourself’, there are some things you need to keep on the low especially on a first date.

For instance, even if you really need a man to eventually help you pay that rent, don’t bring it up on the first date!

That said, here are some things not to do on a first date

Show up late

This is a great time to prove that at least, you respect your time and other people’s.

While you may be used to always showing up late when meeting up with your friends, you don’t know how your date’s time keeping skills are set up.

For a first date remember ‘time is of the essence’ and if you have to be late, mention it.

Wear uncomfortable clothes

Imagine wearing such a tight outfit that you need to keep pulling it down, well,

Wear outfits that flatter you in a good way and that allow you to be comfortable. In case you aren’t sure what to wear, a beautiful knee length dress could be a great place to start.

Have your phone on the table top

We live in an era where people respond faster to online conversations than to people around them. For this reason, people always seem to have their phone next to them.

Let’s just say that there is nothing worse than being on a date with someone constantly looking at their phone screen

Swoon over other people

In case you end up in a flashy hotel where fashionistas, celebrities and influential people come through, stay calm!

Your date is your focus and knowing well that everyone loves to feel appreciated, don’t do something that makes them doubt themselves.

Get wasted

You have ordered your meal, wine and yes! It’s your favourite wine so you need a few more glasses. Don’t get wasted!

No one comes to a date hoping to carry a drunkard home.

Regardless of how fun your date seems, don’t get wasted! Save it for the consequent dates.

Talk over your date

You may be too smart! You may know the keys to life but please! Don’t show it off on the first day, especially if you hope to see that person again!

Ask for messy food

Messy food is too much work on a first date. Considering that everyone is hoping to be as casual and comfortable as possible during this first date, do not order a meal that will leave you struggling with the cutlery.

Avoid Too Much Information

So, the conversation is flowing and suddenly your feel the urge to mention your previous relationships, how many boyfriends you’ve had, when was your last night stand, well, DON’T mention it.

Such information could ruin a potentially great night and deem the chances of that relationship getting to the next level.

Complain about the bill

So maybe the total bill is much higher than you expected, don’t start ranting just yet! Whenever you go out, be sure to have money with you when going on a date, just in case you have to split it or chip in. Yes! It happens and desperate times call for desperate measures!

Bonus tip:

Your date will probably ask where you’d love to have your first date, for this reason, have at least 5 restaurants at the top of your mind, ranging across all stars such that you can pick out a fine dining spot in a blink.