Health practitioners in Nyandarua and Laikipia counties have opposed the move to devolve health services.

They said the move would paralyse health services, as some counties would not afford to fund the sector.

Already, the practitioners said the sector was facing challenges in terms of lack of drugs due to the confusion.

Their spokesman John Karangi noted that doctors had expressed concern that county governments would not afford to pay them and they were ready to move to the private sector.

“What would happen if the county government slashes their salaries to harmonise them with those of other workers? We fear that they will obviously move to private hospitals where the pay is better,” he said.

He said the move will cost county governments a lot of money and should be left to the national government. On Wednesday, the Governors Council through its Chairman Isaac Rutto maintained county governments were ready to take up the role.

But Mr Karangi argued the move was just political as the governors wanted to have more powers. “This is a serious matter that should not be politicised. County governments have few resources which cannot fund the sector,” he said.