Why is it that men make it so hard for women to tell the good guys apart from the bad ones? [Courtesy]

Hi Chris,

Why is it that men make it so hard for women to tell the good guys apart from the bad ones? Every man I meet somehow manages to act like Mr Right; suave, sophisticated, and acting as if he cares about me. Even though often I think he is just being nice so as to get his wicked ways with me! Maybe I am being too cynical, but how can I tell if a man is good for me?

Wicked Men


Hi Wicked Men!

Well, for a start, if he does not call you, he is not okay! Whatever excuses you make for him, such as he is working hard or whatever, he should be calling you all the time. Take it from me, a man in love is never too busy.

So what should you do if he is not treating you right? Do not let on how it bothers you. It is better to just accept that he is not the one, and move on.

Dating is all about watching your man’s behaviour. It is the only way to find out if he is right for you. So do not make assumptions, start collecting evidence!

 "Dating is all about watching your man’s behaviour. It is the only way to find out if he is right for you. So do not make assumptions, start collecting evidence!" Chris Hart says [Courtesy]

What should you be looking for? Well, basically everything he says and does. For instance, is he a man of his word? Or does he over-promise and under-deliver? Is he forever late, or even fails to turn up sometimes? Is he mysteriously unavailable at times? Is he critical of you?

Does he drink or smoke too much? Is he rude to people like waiters? If either of you has children already, how does he treat them? And do not imagine you will change him. No, you won’t.

The fact is, if something does not feel right about a man, it probably is not. So if you do not want to be miserable later, pay attention now. Like if he promises to marry you, but then cannot be tied to a date.

Ditto if you cannot contact him at times. Or he is secretive about his phone calls. Watch especially for his dark side. Can he cope when things go wrong? Is he suspicious? Easily annoyed by your girlfriends? Or your family? Or any man who shows you the slightest attention?

Does he get angry or sulky if you do not tell him everything you are doing? It may feel lovely to be the centre of his world, but not to be trusted? That is a different matter.

Above all, a man has to care for you deeply before he is Mr Right. And actually, it is quite easy to tell if he does. Like he just never takes you for granted. So if your man is treating you like that, then you will always be happy together.

All the best,
