A husband is very important in a woman's life.If he is rich,then it's God's blessings upon a woman.There are jobs that guarantees a rich husband.If a lady is single,it's only a stroke of bad luck that won't put her in the path of a rich husband.Here is a sample of those jobs.

1. Air hostess.

A normal day for an air hostesses is welcoming passengers on board and serving drinks.Her workmates include the pilot,co-pilot and aircraft engineer.Those are not the kind of future husbands whose family will lack wifi and anything money can buy.Air hostess serve all kinds of passengers.Majority of whom are loaded heading to business meetings or even on holiday.Out of the many rich clients,one will definately notice this beautiful woman serving them.

2. Journalist.

Journalists are always up and down chasing developing stories,interviewing successful politicians and bussiness men.Their publicity also puts them at the foot of men who have a full course breakfast and play golf.With many suitors,they can easily chaff out the poor and remain with rich handsome men.

3. Waiters in expensive hotels.

If you want a Rich husband,just look for a job at an expensive hotel.The prices at this hotel ensures that the poor husband to be is locked out.It therefore goes without saying that only rich and refined men will be guests.That's how you hear of that humble girl who was a waiter got noticed by a rich man and they got married in a white and purple themed wedding.

4. Night ladies

Forget the night ladies you see at popular streets where all passerbys connect enroute to their homes.We are talking about night ladies whose shoe price is ten times the price of all the night ladies monthly pay from various clients.If this ladies tell the nation their clients,we shall all slip into a coma.They serve a high clientele and are paid big time.Then like Cinderella's tale,they get noticed and the rich client marries them.Then they live happily thereafter in a mansion.

5. M-Pesa ladies.

Mpesa ladies wear make-up and wait for clients to bring in cash.They know the average worth of clients just by the deposits or withdrawal they make.They can decide to block those who deposit mia mbili and listen to those who deposit large sums.They are more predisposed to getting a wealthy husband,unlike a lady sitting on the couch at home praying for a financially stable man.

6. Receptionist.

Besides bodaboda and taxi operators,receptionists know the secret of many people.In high end hotels,receptionists receive the who is who in their hotels. Contrary to popular knowledge,those men just spend the night there and very few bring different women there.This ladies get to take the clients detail and just look as many stream in and out. A coffee date will definitely be from a well off client.

7. Tour guides.

A tour guide ensures that the wazungu and loaded locals see all wanyama wa porini.They walk them around and speak English of the nose showing them the best locations.This means that a normal working day involves meeting many potential husbands who have financial muscles.It surprises none that they can be wed by a mzungu or a local tycoon.

8. Property agent.

Sales ladies in the property sector especially mortgages and sell of property meet the richest men.These men have it all.When they bargain, it's from a higher six figure to a high six figure.Of course many of them will comprise of the many suitors the sales lady will have to choose from.

9. Foreign Interpreters at Embassies.

Behold all pretty single interpreters for they are assured of rich husbands.Such a job is not an everyday job.Interpreters need to interpret foreign languages which even mere mortals can never learn.If you think it's the holloipolloi who speak such languages,think again.Most of their clients are top diplomats and highly placed government officials. Such ladies interact with loaded potential husbands each working day from different nations.

10. Gym Instructors.

By now,we can unanimously agree that those who visit the gym are not holloipolloi.The many debts,lack of proper meals and hard work with little pay is enough to keep their weight in check.However,gym enthusiasts are the majority middle class.It's just a matter of time before they have their gym at home.A lady instructor monitors the weight of this loaded men.Within no time,she will be the mistress of the home closely monitoring what this loaded man eats.