Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka addressing members of Kamba community in Machakos on 2/4/2018 [Beverlyne Musili,Standard]

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has warned his party’s Mwingi Central MP Gedion Mulyungi publicly against undermining Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu.

Kalonzo (pictured) told Mr Mulyungi to avoid raising political temperatures in Ukambani, which he said could derail his 2022 presidential ambitions.

“You must tame yourself and calm down, I wouldn’t entertain fights between you and Governor Ngilu. You must acknowledge she is your and my governor. We cannot realise development and political tranquility with this uncalled for war and quarrelling. This must end,” he said during a burial in Enziu village in Mulyungi’s constituency.

The former vice president told the MP that some words he uttered in public against Ms Ngilu and other leaders were disrespectful and disgraceful. Mulyungi, who sat pensively, nodded his head in agreement.