When Parliament passed the new Marriage Act, there was heated debate on its pros and cons. The mainstream and social media too, were abuzz with Kenyans speaking of the doors closed or opened by the proposed law. Indeed, Attorney General Githu Muigai came out guns blazing and accused the media of sensationalising the issue and fuelling several ‘untruths’ about what was then the Marriage Bill.

This week, the Marriage Act came into effect and Kenyans should would be wise to read it carefully. It has not opened the floodgates for men to marry as many wives as they wish. Neither has it opened floodgates for women who love to eat where they have not sowed. Indeed, only those marriages conducted under customary law or according to the Islamic faith allow polygamy. Even then, the grounds for ending a marriage have been laid out. It will not be a walk in the park for the so-called gold diggers seeking to live off their spouse’s hard-earned riches. Similarly, it will not be easy for anyone to neglect one’s children. Men and women who bring a baby into this world must bear responsibility of upkeep and reasonable upbringing.

While matters of the heart, which involve love or lack of it, are hard to put into law, we urge Kenyans to exercise due diligence. They must read the Act carefully and understand the boundaries. We urge the Attorney General’s office to ensure that Kenyans read this, and other laws that will be enacted. It is unfortunate to let speculation be propagated on this and other laws. The AG must find a way of communicating the exact provisions of the law. The Marriage Act is out; let Kenyans know it by heart as soon as possible!