It was once said that worst thing to do is to ignore your talent at early stages only to realize its benefit later.

With the world’s digital transformation, talents have been the core of the youths’ daily livelihood in the society.

The technological age has however been blamed for ‘killing’ talents and skills that the youth possess in the society.

According to research, technology has made everything available of the young and old people, completely killing the old way of thinking, creativity and ability to come up with solutions.

A God given gift to every human being is talent and if there is something that one can be effectively utilized to make lives better, then it is talent.

For growth of a talent or a skill, motivation and guidance is key.

Co-curriculum activities in schools have resulted to impressive innovations. This has massively helped the country in economic development as ideologies expressed by the young generation are of benefit to us and have impact to the world.

The youths in different parts of the country have resorted to good use of their talents to get money. Music and different arts have created fame to the youth in Kenya and worldwide.

Talk of Vicmass LuoDollar aka Ochieng’ Victor Ondeye, a former snacks and soft drinks hawker in Nairobi. The Bank Otuch hit-maker struggled to survive and faced difficulties at the initial stages of his musical career while living in Kibera slums in Nairobi after he quit school in form one due to lack of fees.

With his songs being one of the most popular rap songs in Kenya, he can now employ graduates and take care of his family.

With the interest and passion he has in his unique and inspirational lyrics music, his move has been explicit with attraction of peoples’ massive attention.

Vicmass LuoDollar is now a hero who has succeeded to rise from rags to riches. He encourages senior African artists to support their fellows who have potential in music.

One only needs a platform that will help them grow skills to greater heights.