“Why are you laughing in an exam room?”
The no-nonsense exam male invigilator whispered to my ear.

“Do you know I can throw you out of the exam room?”
“Please, I am sorry; I was reacting to the scenario that has just unfolded behind me!” I responded
Take care; this is your future, he remarked as he walked away

Yes, the scenario involved the boy behind me, who was one Nasrioma Wanderi. He was the math’s genius who at times corrected teachers.

We all expected him to complete the KCPE math’s paper within one and a half hours, but as they say, karma is real! We all know the strictness in which exams are administered. Total silence and nearly-zero movements are expected in any examination environment.

It was 2004, in the chilly hills of Nyahururu. We were all seated waiting for the math’s paper.

“Do not touch your paper before I say so”, the female supervisor warned in a stern voice. We were all scared and readily avoided touching the paper. As usual, I bowed my head and muttered a silent prayer.

“God, please forgive my night sneak outs, you know it was Barnabas who influenced me!”

“God you know I never stole Ken’s blue band, it was brought to me by Tony”

“God if I pass this exam, I will be your holy child” as I concluded with a “may your will be done!”
Attention, please turn your paper and proceed. Time is exactly two hours thirty minutes; the supervisor gave sub the go ahead.

But no sooner had I finished reading question one that the math’s genius, Nasrioma Wanderi started shouting!
“One plus one”

“One plus one”, as his voice was going high
“What is one plus one?”

Now everybody was staring at his direction
One of the invigilators approached him and said, two!

“Oooh”, Nasrioma Wanderi responded with a sigh of relief
This scenario scared us all. How could the math’s genius be unable to compute one plus one?

I tensed; I felt mkojo mara hio hio. I did the rest of the paper under the influence, not beer but fear! Now I think you now know why I scored a 2%!