Deputy President William Ruto has hit back at ODM leader Raila Odinga (pictured) for criticising leaders who donate money to churches.

Speaking yesterday at the Soul Harvesters Church in Kariobangi, Nairobi, Dr Ruto said he would not allow the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) to be used to oppress the church.

“Last week, I heard someone say they will use the BBI to do away with donations to churches by politicians," Ruto said.

"I want to tell you as a Christian that BBI will not be used to oppress the church. We will not allow it.”

The DP was responding to a remark made by Raila last week that some leaders were stealing money from the government and taking it to church every Sunday, pretending to be doing God's work.

Raila further said BBI would be used to deal with such leaders.

Ruto has been known to be a generous contributor to churches and has on several occasions said he will not stop giving churches money.

This despite calls from some clerics who say churches should be cautious when receiving money from politicians.

Quoting scriptures

Quoting from the scriptures, Ruto said he and other like-minded leaders will continue to donate to the church so that "they can see the kingdom of God."

“We have the power to see the kingdom of heaven and I promise you that no one will stop us," the DP said.

"Before the eyes of God it does not matter what people say. God does not work with the majority; he works with the faithful."

The DP was accompanied by Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, Embakasi Central MP Benjamin Gathiru, Tigania East MP Josphat Kabeabea, Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua, Embakasi North MP James Gakuya, Kandara MP Alice Wahome, Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria and Tharaki Nithi Woman Representative Beatrice Nkatha among others.

Mr Kuria alleged that there was a plot by some elites to have the Constitution amended so that Parliament can elect the president, stripping citizens the power to elect their leader. 

Kuria said that in 2022, citizens will not be able to vote for their president if the plan is implemented.

Mr Kabeabea questioned the motives of those steering the BBI campaigns across the country, saying they were using it to divide Kenya further.

“If BBI could not unite Kuria and Charity Ngilu in Kitui so they could share a podium, how can it unite the country?" he posed