President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua. [File, Standard]

President William Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua are among top State officers set to get salary increments following a review by the Salary and Remuneration Commission (SRC).

According to a circular by SRC, Ruto's salary will increase from the current Sh1,443,750 to Sh1,546,875 while that of Gachagua will increase from the current Sh1,227,188 to Sh1,367,438, effective July 1, 2023.

"In exercise of its mandate as set out under Article 230 (4) (a) of the Constitution, SRC reviewed and set the remuneration and benefits for State officers covering the Financial Years 2021/2022 -2022/2023 as published in gazette notices dated July 27, 2022," SRC stated.

Other State officers set to benefit from the pay hike include; the Attorney General, the Head of the Public Service, Cabinet Secretaries, and the Secretary to the Cabinet who will all receive a 7 per cent salary increment.

Also targeted in the increment are Principal Secretaries, the Inspector-General, and the Director General of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) who will pocket an increment of Sh54,656 on top of their current Sh765,188.

Other top government officials poised to benefit from the pay rise include Speakers of the National Assembly and Senate, leaders of Majority and Minority, the Chief Justice, Judges, Magistrates, Governors as well as Chairpersons of Constitutional Commissions and Independent Offices.

"Pursuant to Section 11(e) of the SRC Act, the Commission set a four-year review cycle for remuneration and benefits in the public service. The first cycle covered the period 2013/2014 -2016/2017, while the second covered 2017/2018 - 2020/2021. The third remuneration review cycle covers the financial years (FY) 2021/2022 - 2024/2025," the commission said.

The draft changes will be subjected to public participation before they are officially gazetted to bring them into effect.

The increments slated to occur in two phases will see the State officers get a cumulative salary increment of 14 per cent over a two-year period.

If approved, the new increments are set to take effect from July 1.

This comes even as Kenyans struggle to make ends meet amid the high cost of living and rise in prices of basic commodities, food, and fuel.

The increased taxes in the Finance Bill, 2023will also take effect from tomorrow, July 1.