Wiper Leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka at the County assembly of Embu. [Muriithi Mugo, Standard]

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka today took his 2022 campaign to Embu where he opined the Eastern region, which comprises eight counties can deliver a president if the leaders worked as a team.

Speaking after addressing members of the county assembly, Kalonzo challenged the leaders to unite and consolidate the region’s votes in one basket.

“If we can work together as leaders from Eastern, then we can offer a formidable force. This is a challenge to the majority leader and other county leaders to come up with a frame work to unify us leaders,” he told the Embu MCAs.

Kalonzo observed that National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi, Meru Governor Kiraitu Murungi with former Embu senator Lenny Kivuti are in different political camps. The same applies to MPs, some of whom are in UDA.

He reiterated that he was ready to work with other leaders for the unity of the region.

“I am ready to work with Muturi and Kiraitu to move together,” said Kalonzo.

The former VP called for political tolerance and condemned the stoning of Deputy President William Ruto’s motorcade in Kisumu.

He appealed to the MCAs to be in the forefront in promoting political tolerance.

“Political tolerance must be exercised by all leaders and Kenyans must be allowed to express their ideas and positions in every part of the country,” the Wiper leader said.

He noted that he has allowed all political leaders including Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga to visit his backyard and sell their ideas, and challenged other leaders to exercise similar tolerance.

Kalonzo, who was accompanied by leaders from Meru, Machakos and Kitui counties, addressed locals in Karaba, Makima and Kiritiri markets in Mbeere South constituency.