AG Githu Muigai talks to Lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi at the supreme court 28/8/2017 PHOTO BY GEORGE NJUNGE

Lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi has launched on attack on Raila Odinga’s supporters ahead of the repeat presidential election slated for October 26.

In a Twitter post on Saturday, Ahmednassir pointed out that if Raila’s supporters spent some time campaigning for  the NASA leader, he would manage to get 40% in the fresh poll.

“Confident that if Baba's supporters spent just 30% of time wasted on Twitter campaigning for him, Baba will score 40% on 26/10,” stated Ahmednassir.

Confident that if Baba's supporters spent just 30% of time wasted onTwitter campaigning for him, Baba will score 40% on 26/10 @JunetMohamed — Ahmednasir Abdullahi (@ahmednasirlaw) September 23, 2017

In a move intended to raffle feathers of the National Super Alliance (NASA) leaders, the popular lawyer also known as the Grand Mullah, tagged Suna East MP Junet Mohammed in his post.

The vocal Opposition legislator responded with a rough tackle indicating that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s supporters should stop abusing Raila if they want him to get 32.5% in the forthcoming showdown.

“Confident also if your clients stop abusing baba they will move to 32.5%,” Junet posted.

Confident also if your clients stop abusing baba they will move to 32.5% — Hon. Junet Mohamed (@JunetMohamed) September 23, 2017

The Grand Mullah went ahead to urge the Suna East MP to ditch NASA and join the Jubilee Party to gain in the 2022 General Election.

Hon you are the best attacking midfielder NASA has and jubilee team wants to buy you on free transfer for 2022...I have instructions... — Ahmednasir Abdullahi (@ahmednasirlaw) September 23, 2017


The Constitution states that to be declared President, a candidate must garner 50 per cent plus-one vote of the total votes cast and secure at least 25 per cent of the votes cast in half of the counties.

According to official figures released by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Uhuru secured 54.27 percent of the ballots cast, while the former Prime Minister got 44.74 percent in the August 8 General Election.


Responses from Kenyans:

Thank you for confirming how your clients buy people through ids — akinyi vivien (@vivien_akinyi) September 23, 2017

If you spent less time on twitter then your client could have won the case — Cherotich Mibei (@CherotichMibei) September 23, 2017

Baba has numbers with or without campaigning. You and i know uhuruto can't beat him in a free n fair election! — Beth Iddah (@BMwamburi) September 23, 2017

Uhuru is on record holding 200 rallies in a week but ended in computer fraud to attain 54% what's your aguement yet you lost a case in court — Alpheaus chesulut (@Alpheauschesul1) September 23, 2017

there are no battlegrounds anymore. people made up their minds last year. BaBa will carry the day — Shadrack Songol (@sha_songol) September 23, 2017

Confident that Jubilee lawyers like you would represent their clients better id they spent less time on Twitter. — Migai Akech (@MigaiAkech) September 23, 2017

Even the bees volunteered to call of democracy for baba, he doesnt need sm advice tho... Thot u saw the canaan defence forces — Mwarori Mwarori (@bwanamwarori) September 23, 2017

Dear @ahmednasirlaw ;Baba has had a 60% win since 2007.This isnt changing within a month or 2,EVEN IF RAILA GOES ON HOLIDAY VACATION TODAY. — stanley O. khayo (@KhayoStanley) September 23, 2017