Wiper candidate for Mombasa Governor seat Hassan Omar (right) and running mate Linda Shuma. 

Senator Hassan Omar has settled on hotelier Linda Mariwa Shuma as his running mate as he seeks to unseat Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

Shuma is an entrepreneur who runs a catering management business dealing with corporate and social events.

She is the president of Lions Club Mombasa Bahari branch.

The business lady has also been involved in community empowerment initiatives since 2014 when she together with a friend started a Community Based Organisation (CBO) with interests in Education and mentoring, community library and scholarships.

At a press conference in Mombasa that culminated in the unveiling of Ms Shuma as the potential second deputy governor of Mombasa County, Omar exuded confidence in unseating the incumbent Joho.

Omar has likened his ‘revolution’ to that which led to the removal of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak from power saying women will be actively involved in his quest to clinch the top county seat.