I have always respected your articles since they are well thought out and balanced.

The hair-shaving analogy that you referred to in your last week’s article, Riddle of Hyena and the Dry Shaving of Hair that Left Nation Wounded, Bleeding, is something Raila Odinga has used in many rallies over the last 12 years. So, why now is it suddenly treasonable?

The truth is that President Uhuru Kenyatta has failed Kenyans. He simply cannot bring himself to accept that his choice for Internal Security docket Joseph ole Lenku is a disaster.

A leader must have the courage to accept mistakes. Instead, Uhuru would rather take on half of Kenya and pit communities against each other to save himself the embarrassment of firing Lenku.


Unfortunately, some Kenyans have fallen for the ruse, you included.

Uhuru must realise he is the President of Kenya and symbol of our national unity.

The first thing he needs to do as a matter of urgency is to fire Lenku.

When a Government fails, it will try to whip support among its traditional supporters. That is not the way to go.