Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua in Homa Bay. [James Omoro, Standard]

Bumula MP Jack Wamboka has vowed to table an impeachment motion against Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua for alleged gross violation of the Constitution.

Speaking during a sports event in Lugari constituency today, the MP said Parliament's long recess had delayed his plans to send the DP home for "unpresidential" conduct.

"We (MPs) will be back in Parliament soon and that means I will be embarking on the final process of drafting the impeachment motion against the DP for his uncouth behaviour and conduct," he said.

Parliament will resume on February 13 from recess that started on December 2 last year.

"I am sure I will get the numbers to send the DP home for you to also know how he carries himself in the public eye. He doesn't fit the office," he claimed.

Wamboka wants Gachagua out of office for allegedly making tribalist remarks to the effect that the remaining government appointment by President William Ruto should belong to a certain community.

He also believes the DP is overstepping his mandate by threatening other leaders and interfering with running of their dockets.

The MP particularly took issue with Gachagua's attack on Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja following the directive to relocate long distance public service vehicles from the Central Business District (CBD). The court later revoked the ban on PSVs from the CBD.

He said the DP was lording it over Sakaja.

"Sakaja was elected by Kenyans in Nairobi and not a tribe," said Wamboka.

The law provides that a deputy president can be removed from office on grounds of physical or mental incapacity to perform, gross violation of the Constitution or any other law and where there is serious reason to believe the DP has committed a crime under national or international law.

The impeachment motion must, however, be supported by majority of MPs.

President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza Alliance enjoys majority in the Senate and the National Assembly and it will be interesting to see how Wamboka, an opposition MP, marshals the numbers to impeach the DP.

Earlier this month, Nyeri MP Duncan Maina said he will be among the first lawmakers to shoot down such motion.

UDA politicians in Western Boni Khalwale, Ben Washiali and Benson Mapuoni had earlier cautioned Wamboka to steer off Kenya Kwanza affairs.