Wind and solar generated a record fifth (22 per cent) of EU electricity in 2022, for the first-time overtaking fossil gas (20 per cent). [istockphoto]

He said this report should be an eye-opener for Africa - that the very people misleading the continent into producing gas for their needs, are working on the sidelines to shift to renewables at scale.

"Unfortunately, in its rush to invest in gas for export, Africa will shortchange itself. Africa risks being late to the party again instead of being a frontrunner in the move to a greener, and sustainable future. We can't let this happen," Adow said.

While James Mwangi, Chief Executive Officer of Africa Climate Ventures, and Founder of the Climate Action Platform - Africa said: "The findings of this report on Europe are both encouraging and a warning for Africa."

"It makes little to no sense for Africa to spend large amounts of its limited investment capital on a fading technology that will inevitably need to be written off in the near future and is already losing ground to renewables even in Europe," Mwangi said.

Karimi Kinoti, Policy, and Campaigns Director, Christian Aid said: "Wind and solar are readily-available energy sources in Africa, however, the continent will continue to lag behind without adequate and affordable access to capital and technology to meet its own energy needs," he said.

"We know that the cost of renewables is now much cheaper than fossil fuels. Why should Africa's share of global investment in renewable energy account for only 1 per cent?" Kinoti questioned.

He said the continent must also have a fair and just opportunity to develop its abundant renewable energy sources. It must not continue to be left behind.

The analysis by Ember reveals that Europe faced a triple crisis in the electricity sector in 2022. Just as Europe scrambled to cut ties with its biggest supplier of fossil gas, it faced the lowest levels of hydro and nuclear in at least two decades, which created a deficit equal to 7 per cent Europe's total electricity demand in 2022.

The European Electricity Review published today report indicates that as a result of the crisis coal power share increased by just 1.5 percentage points to generate 16 percent of EU electricity in 2022, with year-on-year falls in the last four months of 2022 as Europe prevented a threatened return to coal power in the wake of the 2022 energy crisis.