By Bob Otieno

To keep your skin looking young, you must learn to avoid wrinkles. Wrinkles make you skin sag thus adding more years to your face.

Many of you probably know the basic essentials to prevent wrinkles like avoiding the sun, wearing sunscreen, not smoking and using a moisturiser.

But there are other habits that cause our skin to wrinkle that we are not aware of.

Over washing your face: Washing your face more than is necessary using tap water, strips it of the natural oils and moisture that guard against wrinkling. Unless your soap contains skin-protecting moisturisers, use a facial cleanser instead of soap.

Harmful sleeping position: Certain repeated sleeping positions can invite wrinkles. These wrinkles become etched into the surface of the skin and don’t disappear once you’re up. For instance, sleeping on your side increases wrinkles on the cheeks and chin, while keeping your facedown gives you a furrowed brow. To reduce wrinkle formation, sleep on your back.

 Repetitive facial movement: This includes movements like squinting, they overwork the facial muscles especially the area around the eyes and the entire face. This forms a groove beneath the skin’s surface, which eventually becomes a wrinkle. To keep your eyes wide and alert, wear reading glasses if you need them. Ensure to get appropriate sunglasses that can protect the skin around the eyes from sun damage and keep you from squinting.

Right food for wrinkle relief: scientist have found that vitamin c increase collagen production, which protect the eyes and face against damage from sun rays. It is also vital in correcting pigmentation problems and improving inflammatory skin conditions. The key, however, may be the type of vitamin C used. Most research points to L-ascorbic acid found oranges, cucumbers and carrots as the most potent for wrinkle relief.

On the other hand, not only is fish especially the cold water type like salmon a great source of protein, but it is also considered an important building block for a great skin. Fish is an awesome source an essential fatty acid known as omega-3. These essential fatty acids nourish the skin, keeping it plump and youthful thus helping to reduce wrinkles.