Women thought they were so smart by introducing the concept of the soft girl era until men caught up with them. They are now in competition with each other and it looks like women are gonna have to let men be the “baddies” of this generation. Provision has worn them off and it doesn’t look like toxic masculinity is working on them anymore.

They have completely dissociated with it and I understand. With this economy, everyone is entitled to step into their soft girl era and live life as softly as possible even if it means wanting to have submissive providers.

Men of today want flowers. They are wearing pearls and getting manicures. They pay attention to their hair and they have complete skin care routines. I know many are against it but it is good. For the first time ever, women will not need to worry about finding a regular bar soap only when they go for sleepovers. 

By stepping into this era, it means that the girls are going to have to start getting flowers and being as romantic as it has always been expected of men. Lucky are the flower vendors because men have just opened up a new market for them and I do not think there’s a chance of going back. It is new territory.

Entering this new territory means that women need to divorce themselves from gender roles completely. If men can step into their soft girl era, you can ask them to step into the kitchen and do what is usually expected of women. Softness comes with a price and they have to make men fulfill their end of the bargain.

This is the time for women to take over households and make men submissive. It is the kind of power that money gives you and instead of him asking you not to go out too much with the girls, it is you who is going to be asking him not to go too much with the boys. You are even allowed not to let him in when he comes home too late.


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I do not know if men understand what it means to be in a soft girl era that is completely funded by another person. I do not know if they are ready to give up their autonomy for softness but this is the time for women to test the theory. For every manicure you pay for, he has to make a meal to thank you. For every hair day you have to offer, he is obligated to pay in kind as it has always been expected of women.

And for every month’s rent you pay, you are entitled to kick him out when he starts misbehaving. If men are going to be the new women, women are going to be the new men. That means that they will be taking the children for clinic as you work hard for the money. I would prefer to be the provider than the woman who does both provision and housework.

There is a silver lining to everything. Women have been branded gold diggers and slay queens for so long and now that men have joined us in the game, the playing field has been levelled. There will be less shame attached to it and maybe people who date for money and softness will finally catch a break.

Why would men be mad at you for being flown out to Dubai by a rich politician when they are also getting the same treatment? Equality is here!