A senior parastatal chief who was recently suspended from office before being charged over corruption may have suffered a double jeopardy.

 Reason? Other than the graft charges, the man found himself lonely after the wife and kids abandoned him.

The family let the man fight his own wars after discovering that he had another woman with whom he sired a boy, currently in his teenage years!

The family could not reconcile itself to the double life of their patriarch given he is an elder in the church who is expected to live a less blemish life.

In other news, an aide to a top politician is on the spot for extorting a governor money running into millions of shillings.

The man is said to have lied to the now beleaguered county boss that he could help him stop investigations by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) into alleged swindling of public funds.

The man is said to have been working with another ally, with whom they shared out the loot.

However, the county boss got agitated when EACC investigators tightened noose on him with the probes.

The county boss and the man has since fallen out so much that the aid was out hawking the alleged corruption story to whoever cares to publish it.