Aerial view of the Tsavo National Park where 5 elephants were found killed by poachers. Photo: IG/DaddyOwen

By Sheila Kimani (@sheilakimm)

“Honestly, how can someone do this?”  Celebrated Gospel singer Daddy Owen asked after five jumbos were found killed in Tsavo National Park early this week.

The Vanity hit maker had aired his disgust after the effects of poaching once again manifested themselves in our parks. Along with his caption, Daddy Owen showed five elephant lying lifeless in an aerial view bloody scene.

Poaching is an illegal practice and despite top celebrities like Lupita Nyongo joining causes towards conservation, similar cases of poaching still continue. 

Owen warned that the activity was affecting tourism and would soon deal our economy a hard blow.

Honestly. . How can someone do this? This is wrong and it's really hurting our tourism. . Yet we cry out hakuna kazi and we doing stuff that's directly affecting our economy. 5 Jumbos found dead in Tsavo who’s to blame?” Owen asked!