
Would you share the passwords to your computer, email and social media accounts with your girlfriend or boyfriend? Would your online activities change if you knew your partner has access to your accounts?

We live in a world where it is considered a relationship milestone to let your partner scroll through your phone, let alone having access to your social media account passwords.

Most people will cringe at the thought of their partners having access to their social media or email accounts. If there is something you are concerned about your partner coming across in your social media pages, it means there are some underlying issues in your relationship beyond privacy. There should be no secrets when you are in a committed relationship.

Sharing your password with your partner has its benefits.

First and foremost, it is an extension of trust in a relationship. Your partner will trust you a whole lot more if you are comfortable enough to share your passwords with them. It shows you have nothing to hide and are committed to the relationship a hundred percent.

Another benefit of sharing your password with your partner is that you are less likely to engage in any form of indiscretions online if you know your partner has access to your accounts. There is nothing like a possessive partner looking over your shoulder to keep you in line. Personally, I can’t think of a better way to fight off temptations of cheating.

Contrary to what you think, sharing your password could actually give you more privacy instead of taking it away. Just because your partner has your password doesn’t mean she or he is keeping tabs on you. The fact that your partner has your password in the first place could prove that you are an exceptionally trustworthy person, which will make it unnecessary for one to snoop through your stuff.

However, it is healthy to have some degree of privacy and secrecy in a relationship. The fact that your partner refuses to divulge their passwords doesn’t necessarily mean he or she is cheating.

Sharing passwords can cause unnecessary problems or escalate the already existing problems in a relationship. A message from an ex for instance could be misinterpreted or blown out of proportion.


The only time it is imperative to share your passwords with your partner is after you have been unfaithful. Cheating always destroys trust in a relationship and the first step to rebuilding the trust is sharing your passwords with your partner.

Don’t get it twisted though. Having access to your man's passwords for example, doesn’t guarantee his faithfulness. He could just be very smart about his indiscretions, so always keep your eyes and ears open and don’t trust foolishly.

If you have shared your passwords with your better half, consider changing the password if the relationship comes to an end, especially if the split was acrimonious.

It is not uncommon for jilted lovers to use this information in an act of retaliation.

All in all, always opt for complete transparency in a committed relationship. Remember, those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

