As lockdowns continue and staying indoors has become the new routine, we have been deprived of social interaction with those whom we care about, from families to friends.

This is the correct thing to do so as to slow the spread of Covid-19 but many of us have been finding it a bit unbearable. Some of us have even begun relapsing to our old ways of doing things disregarding the safety protocols that have put in place and this is uncalled for.

Aside from that, I am pretty sure as an individual you have learnt some life lessons and indeed you have lost some of your closest friends, those whom you thought would be there for you through thick and thin.

A lot of friendships have been strained and the rifts that have been created may not be mended post-pandemic.

During a time of crisis such as this when life has been disrupted and everyone’s financial future seems to be precarious, it might be the wrong moment to lose friends.

But how many of those in your contact list have checked on you since the pandemic began? Well, I am not telling you to cut off all your friends.

Psychologists say that we need four of five close friends for optimum life satisfaction. Well, now you know. This has got me thinking about why we carry our so-called friends around like our handbags and shoes. A lot of relationships have been put on the edge and a study predicts that after lockdown there will be a rise in divorce rates, but this will also test the limit of our friendships.

Initially, when the lockdown began we would talk like in any other normal conversation, but as time went by we ran out ‘topics of discussion’ and all of a sudden there is no more spark with a friend whom you’d hang out with 80% of your time before the pandemic struck.

Right now, as some of my friends would say, it’s all about viewing the other one’s status, if not, they’d probably have your number deleted.

We shouldn’t be surprised if we find it hard to spring back to easy intimacy with people we haven’t seen in months. But the proper friends, we’ll hug them until our arms hurt. I can’t tell you how you will know who your ‘ride or die’ has been during the pandemic, that’s for you to choose, wisely.

This crisis has provided you with an opportunity to gather around positive people who will help you grow post-pandemic. That list of bad friends you have in mind is also responsible in enriching your life and bringing out the best in you.

As you plan to build new friendships after lockdown, focus on affinity, let your drive be to deepen and build close relationships and most importantly, have your priorities right. Do not let popularity be a priority. If there is no significant benefit you gain with having a particular friend, then you have the authority to cut them off. Remember, you are your own boss.