Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis which is easily transmitted through the air when an infected person speaks, sneezes, laughs, sings or coughs. Airborne particles then get inhaled whereby they will multiply in the exposed person's lungs.

Anyone can contract TB. It thrives mostly among people living in poverty, communities and marginalized groups like refugee camps and migrants. Malnutrition, poor sanitation, and housing compounded with other factors like tobacco and alcohol use affect the vulnerability to TB.

Research from World Health Organization (WHO) shows that over 10.4 million people were infected by TB last year.

In Kenya, TB is documented as the number 4 dangerous disease leading to deaths.

However, there are four important ways that you can do to prevent getting this dangerous life-threatening disease:

Go for early diagnosis and treatment

When you discover you are infected with TB, it is mandatory and very important that you seek early treatment to prevent deterioration and spreading of infection.

Examination of close contacts

We live with people infected with TB. It may be your neighbour, close friend or family. It is important that you encourage or take them for deep examination and checkup at appropriate health facilities. This can be through TB skin testing and x-ray examination and scanning for both children and adults.

Lead a healthy life

Research from WHO shows that people with poor health are more susceptible to get TB. For you to lead a healthy life, you at least have to eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits while avoiding fatty, sugary and processed foods. Getting good sleep of about 7-8hours and ensuring you spend most of your time outdoors to get fresh air is another healthy way to fight TB.

Go for a BCG vaccination

Getting a Bacile Calmette Guerin (BCG) vaccination helps prevent the spread of TB. This is mostly done for young children and new born babies.

You do that and you might just kick out TB forever.