Personally, I don’t understand where the world is headed to. This world turning around. Yesterday becomes tomorrow, today becomes the future and at some point, the truth becomes lies and vice versa. I don't know if that is the way God wanted it to be. If so then who am I to disagree with Him.

This takes me to my main subject Gideon Moi, the Baringo senator and the son of a retired who served Kenya as the second president, Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi.The entry of Gideon Moi into the world of politics was more of an obligation, that is from my own point of view. It was just to continue with the family dynasty, not really something that he really wanted to be.

By virtue of his father being a politician then he was forced to become one. There is an old saying that goes “Like father like son.”Let me put it in Swahili so that some people understand it clearly. Waswahili husema mwana wa muhunzi asiposana hufukuta. I don’t know to what percentage, because my father was a surveyor and I became a herds boy.

According to many, Moi’s junior entry into politics, was fueled by the need to maintain the family status and maintain kingship. Moi senior was and I believe will still be the longest serving president in the Kenya history.

Those days I was still a very little boy and I always knew Moi as a lifetime president. At that time when I heard that Kenyans were voting, I became so disturbed. In fact, I had feared that they will oust him from power and make my world collapse. To me ‘Baba wa Taifa’ was everything.

As a child I wanted the status quo to remain because I thought maybe if a new president ascended into power he will do away with the free Njego milk. That milk was distributed to all primary schools in Kenya on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

That was a really a good motivation for us to go to school because at home hunger would erode your small intestines until you fear dropping dead the next minute. ‘Snakes’ would call a kamkunji in your stomach and make all the noise like Kenya’s parliamentarians when they were passing the controversial election bill. Anyway, that milk was very important to us.

That aside, let me now adopt a guest of honor mannerism of speaking. From Moi’s point of view, his entry into politics was motivated by him having a heart for an ordinary Kenyan like his father. He saw a gap in the society and noticed that so many Kenyans have enough problems like sand in the ocean. The great grandfathers problems, the grandfathers up to the grandsons problems were all on the shoulders of Kenyans. Moi as a messiah couldn’t just sit there and watch these problems weigh down common mwananchi.

The Baringo senator having done a lot for the people as a politician, he now saw another area that is fully exploited, the area of ‘Men of God’. I agree with him because there is a lot of gymnastics going on in churches. A good number of pastors are not taking things of God seriously and to some extent, they are misleading their congregation.

I do believe preaching is a noble profession that needs one to be faithful and God fearing.

The ‘men of cloth’ are respected members of the society. They are known to bring sanity where there is a disorder. This is why so many people felt that the retired Anglican Archbishop Eliud Wabukhala was bound to soil his reputation as the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) boss.

Many said the old man should have joined his grandsons Bungoma West District and look after his chicken and goats. I know many retirees who have been working in towns think that if you go to the village after retiring then your days are numbered.

As Wabukala was being vetted by the MPs last week, I heard Emurua Dikir MP, Johanna Ngeno openly tell him (Wabukala) that he pity's him because out of his own volition he has put himself in the den of wolves.

Mr Ngeno wondered whether Wabukala will stand out and whip the political wolves.
Mr. Ngeno reminded Wabukala that his predecessors had a hard time and they quitted after getting overwhelmed.

The Emurua Dikir legislature added that as MPs, they tried crooks and they knew they were the best people to apprehend their fellow crooks but they failed.

Something else that made me know that preachers are held in high esteem is when Mr. Ngeno told Webukala that, he is the country’s last hope and in case he fails, then there was nobody else fit for the job rather than God Himself.
The MP told Wabukala that he knows that he is next to God and God will give him the wisdom of King Solomon to handle the docket.

I also heard Kuresoi North MP Moses Cheboi giving a long lecture of the story of Rehoboam and his taking over leadership of Israel. He really showed mastery of the Bible.

He went on telling how Rehoboam was told by God to chastise people with scorpions and not with whips like his predecessors.

By the way, do you remember Professor Patrick Lumumba? This man had a heart for that job as the EACC boss but at the end of it all, he was kicked out without any notice.

Anyway, I did not intend to talk about Wabukala, Lumumba, Mr. Ngeno and Mr. Cheboi. I was just trying to relate the issue of Gideon Moi resolving to join the noble professional of preaching with one man of the cloth the retired Archbishop Wabukala.Maybe Moi’s decision came after he noticed that the pulpit job befit him because he wanted to reign with God.

During the burial ceremony of ‘Bwana Dawa’ on Monday, he warned the Kalenjin community against following politicians blindly. As ‘a former politician’ he denied claims of being responsible for the disunity among the Kalenjin community.

The Baringo senator said that he should be consulted on religious matters when things in the political arena become blurred. He promised to give hope to the hopeless politician who risks losing their seats.

His first followers whom he saw needed prayers were Henry Kosgei and Uasin Gishu governor honorable Mandago so that they could clinch the Jubilee party tickets during the party’s nominations.

In fact, he said he will be praying for them but if they fail he will give them solace and a place in Chama ya baba na mama (Kanu)
“Kosgey, Mandago and other people that need Jubilee nominations I am praying for you so that you can win the nominations, said Moi”

As new self-proclaimed Bishop Moi went on to tell the mourners how he will unite Kalenjin and Kenyans in general as a man of God.

“ I, Gideon Kipsiele the son of Moi, I will not split the Kalenjin….,vowed Mr. Gideon.

Last but not least, the Kanu chairman asked politicians to humble themselves as they seek votes from Kenyans.He also advised them to focus on developments so that Kenyans can put their trust in them and choose them as leaders.

In conclusion, he said that the youths are suffering and they need to be saved from the problems of unemployment. On the other hand, he asked political leaders to look into the education sector, Agricultural sector and the infrastructure sector which are the fundamental things Kenyans need.

Let us wait and see how long Mr. Moi will remain on the pulpit. Either he will lead or mislead his congregation. Son of ‘Nyayo’ please don’t turn out to be a rogue preacher like Kanyari with his 310 slogan that gave journalist something to say on a dry day. All in all, I wish you all the best.