The elections in Tanzania are around the corner and the atmosphere is electrifying.

Despite the high-octane electioneering, what you hear of is “sera ya chama fulani” or manifesto/policy. These are people who have worked on their nationhood. You do not hear of “jimbo fulani na jimbo fulani” coming together to win.

Contrast that with Kenya where the in-thing is such and such alliance, as politicians spew out venom. One has to be very keen to understand the off-tune derogatory songs whose only claim to relevance is the high decibel level. It is like we have forgotten what happened in 2008.

We are back at it with clownish approach bordering on primitivism, completely oblivious of the consequences.

While we are in this seemingly irredeemable state, the church is watching and sees no evil, hears no evil. God help Kenya.