Deputy President William Ruto addressed Mombasa residents at a Mwembe Tayari stopover during his tour in Mombasa County on Saturday, March 26, 2022. [Kelvin Karani, Standard]

Deputy President William Ruto yesterday alleged that over Sh1 billion was used to pay off aspirants into joining the ruling Jubilee Party.

The DP said the funds should have been channelled to help starving Kenyans.

Speaking in Mombasa, Ruto further claimed the government spent funds allocated to purchase food and subsidised fertiliser to support its political projects.

The Sunday Standard could not, however, independently ascertain the claims made by the Deputy President, who also launched a scathing attack against policies on rail transport.

He said once elected on August 9, he will rescind the decision to transport all cargo from Mombasa through the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR).

Ruto said the policy on SGR has killed the economy of Mombasa and other towns along the northern corridor, adding the government was out of touch with the citizens. 

“It is not possible that this week alone when citizens are dying of hunger in many parts of the country, Sh1 billion was used by the government to buy people to join Jubilee,” said Ruto.

He added; “The big shame is the money is used to bribe people while other people are dying of hunger. The funds should have been used to buy food for the people.”

He said Jubilee’s original plan was to ensure there was enough food and subsidized fertilizer to enable farmers grow food and eliminate hunger.

Ruto said ODM leader Raila Odinga does not understand the plight of many Kenyans and has never experienced hardships faced by Kenyans on a daily basis.

“I want to tell you, Mr riddle guy, you don’t understand problems facing Kenyans. You have never slept hungry, walked barefoot or hustled to search for a job,” said Ruto.

Ruto promised to revert port operations back to Mombasa from Naivasha to benefit the people of the Coast region.

“The SGR is what will open Mombasa and we shall return the port they took to Naivasha,” said Ruro.

He said that the transfer of port operations to Naivasha has caused a lot of job loss and made the people of Mombasa poor.

Ruto said the SGR was meant to benefit and enrich the people of Mombasa and not rob them of their livelihood.

“This SGR was not meant to bring poverty to the people of Mombasa. It was to enrich you but a few people have used it badly to benefit themselves while leaving majority poor,” said Ruto.

He was accompanied by Nyali MP Mohamed Ali, Mombasa governor aspirant Hassan Omar, Kikuyu MP Kimani Ichungwa, Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya and Nominated MP Ole Sankok David.

Omar asked the Mombasa residents to vote for Ruto and kick out old oligarchies that have reigned since the birth of the nation.

He promised to restore the economy of Mombasa, which, he said, has deteriorated under the leadership of Governor Hassan Joho.

“We need to restore and return the respect of Mombasa and the economy by first bringing back the port operations to Mombasa because the port is like our land,” said Omar.