By Dizzy bee

I’ve been having this conversation all week, and there is one thing about it that has been driving me crazy. This is after a group of young women were encouraged to live an above-average life, and demand nothing but the best.

In an interesting twist, the only thing that seemed to come off from the comments made were that we should not be listening to her because she ‘isn’t married’, and therefore, should not be dishing out relationship advise.

Excuse me? Since when did marriage become the ultimate prize? What happens to the rest of us who are comfortable in being single and not necessarily seeking the seemingly holy grail of matrimony?

There’s something to be said about a man who will sit down and criticise a woman for her utterances, instead of reading the lies that she has delivered and stepping up to the challenge. Instead of bitching about successful women who are headstrong, remember that she went on and lived her dreams, and is simply looking for someone who can dream bigger with her. Women are simply looking for men who will be the best men beside them, not stragglers who will act as doubting Thomases, dragging her down with every step she makes.



By the way, when did it become wrong for single women to give advice on relationships? Doesn’t the experience and knowledge gained from being in relationships with other people before marriage matter? I mean, what happens to all that we have learnt from the men who’ve broken our hearts, wasted our money and resources, and God forbid, broken our bones? Don’t we deserve a chance to tell our story and hopefully someone somewhere will hear and maybe make changes in their lives?

It’s high time the world learned that successful women do have a right to demand the same in their relationships. You cannot be mediocre in one aspect of your life while the rest of your world is shining bright. And yes, while being at the top might be lonely, isn’t it better that you live single than live in a relationship with someone who doesn’t fit into your life?

There is nothing wrong with being single, let alone being successful and single. It only goes to show that we need better men out there to match our ambitions, dreams and successes. Men, step on up! Take the challenge — be better than average, and find the woman of your dreams.