By Posh

Last week, I made the bold decision to stop being the second option for the men in my life. But I wonder, are they better than the 'chips funga' men, you know, the ones who just want to hop with you into your apartment for a quickie.

Such men are not keen to go back to their mother’s homes at such a late hour or are afraid of what their wives will say.

With time, I have learnt to observe these men. As soon as he proposes you both go to your house, let him go fast!

We all deserve good things in life and I now know that settling for second best is not good. Maybe I should go to that Nigerian church in KICC for consolation; did you see all those bachelorettes looking for husbands? Wow!

Nowadays I go to church and I think I am becoming a better person. Also, I’m making fairer decisions. Parklands Baptist is the place to hang out on Sunday mornings to worship, make friendships especially for lonesome hearts, show off fashion and gossip.

One of the mistakes I have been making as a single woman is looking for men instead of sitting down and hiding somewhere for someone to find me. This calls for a lot of patience and perseverance but I am hoping it will pay off.

One of the reasons bachelorettes are not discovered by bachelors is because they leave nothing to be desired. All the boobs hang out of their bras, the trousers are too tight, the skirts too short, the panties out for all to see, the tops are too tight... there is no longer any mystery for the men to unravel, no imagination to treasure.

Beautiful women

Now I understand why beautiful women are overtaken by the reserved ones. A man wants to hunt and does not want the prey making it easy during the hunt!

The secret, as I understand it, is ‘less is more’. The less you reveal yourself as a woman, the better chances you have of escaping singlehood.

I’m contemplating this theory considering the amount of competition out there. I plan to buy a few kitenge outfits to hide all my beautiful features and hopefully, this time I’ll be lucky. What do you think?