By Nikko Tanui

After office hours, real men head to the local club but not because we love drinking.

It’s at the club that one can speedily process a soft loan, discuss business plans, form partnerships or get tipped-off about lucrative job vacancies, among other positive things.

But our women do not understand this and that is why they give us a hard time when we finally make our way home from the pub.

As a matter of fact, they should welcome us at the door like triumphant warriors returning from war because of the big deals we strike at the bar. How else do they imagine we get money to fix their hair?

What I, however, can’t understand is why women have also started giving home a wide berth. Children nowadays struggle with homework on their own because their mothers are nowhere to be seen. Wasn’t there a time when there was nothing a woman looked forward to than going home to be with her nine children?


Nowadays, they head to any direction but home. And whereas men head to the bar to cut deals, women use evening classes as the perfect excuse.

Wait a minute; I don’t have anything against a woman advancing her level of education. However, a casual look at what women are studying at our campuses reveals that they are just joking.

For instance, you will find an accountant studying for a Masters degree in Disaster Management. After graduation, she will not try to make a career out of it but instead will enroll for another odd course, say, Anthropology, just for bragging rights that she has two post-graduate degrees.

It’s very unfair for a child to miss out on a mother’s bonding time just because she is pursuing a degree she clearly has no use for or using university as an excuse to get a young college toy boy.

Point is, our women need to stop creating lame excuses for avoiding their children and go home after work.