The move by young members of the Orange Democratic Party (ODM) to re-organise and overhaul leadership of the party is the best option in preparation for  the 2017 General Election.

Instead of fighting and undermining moves by “young Turks” to bring change in the party, ODM kingpins and diehards should support them wholeheartedly, and even provide them with necessary guidelines.

Leadership change in ODM is inevitable whether the old guards support it or not. It is not about undermining their leadership but a move by the younger generation to salvage the party from collapse.

It would also make ODM more competitive and vibrant.

The old guards in ODM have done their bit and should be appreciated and applauded for it, but it is time for them to hand over the leadership baton to a younger generation.

The party’s leadership badly needs new blood to maintain it as a political force to reckon with.

ODM’s leadership, especially from Nyanza, should not feel unappreciated or hang on to leadership for the sake of just being there. It is simply that the value of their wisdom has reached a point of no return, as evident in the bungled nominations for the March 4 elections.


 Evaluation is an important undertaking in any organisation, even the non-political. The party’s current leadership should be honest with themselves and ask whether or not ODM performed to the expectation of its members in the March 4 General Election.

The 2013 election nominations in ODM were a total mess and the party’s current leadership can’t run away from this fact.

Neither is it a secret that the party did not conduct its affairs democratically and fairly to the expectation of its members. It is important for the party leadership to bring back confidence and trust among members of the party and learn from their mistakes. It is only a fool that does not learn, but a leader is supposed to be visionary, intelligent and democratic. A political establishment or party must uphold democracy and cherish good leadership values and tendencies. Criticism and change are fundamental values that a true leader must be ready for, without feeling challenged or belittled.

The Jubilee government comprises of daring “young Turks” and therefore any rival political party dreaming of wresting power from them, including ODM and Wiper, must prepare properly and not take them for granted.

They will be in power for five years and are definitely preparing to retain the same for another five. It is upon ODM and other parties to go back to the drawing board and design strategies that will create stability, unity and strength in their party.

Autocratic style

“Young Turks” elected as leaders to serve in various capacities from ODM and any other political party have a right to not only question leadership in their parties, but also fully participate in its running. The youth are the leaders of today and not tomorrow, as has always been stated. Kenyans, to some extent, are beginning to appreciate generational leadership change away from the traditional autocratic style, especially because of the way President Uhuru Kenyatta is carrying himself and conducting the affairs of the presidency. There is nothing so special about being a leader, more so a president.

What is important is service delivery to the people. A leader’s prime mandate is to carry a majority of people along with his or her vision. It is not about wearing expensive suits, surrounding yourself with heavy security and loyal friends and sycophants, while fearing that everybody is out to get you. A good charismatic leader is an asset to all, but not to select ethnic  communities calling themselves diehard supporters.

ODM is a party for all Kenyans and should embrace national leadership by people prepared to sacrifice  their own personal interests for the sake of the party’s future.

The writer is Executive Director, Institute for Democracy & Leadership in Africa (Idea).