President Uhuru Kenyatta, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, ODM leader Raila Odinga, on stage flanked by other politicians during Azimio la Umoja rally at Jacaranda Grounds in Nairobi. [Edward Kiplimo,Standard]

Leaders allied to Azimio la Umoja movement have vowed to lock out Deputy President William Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza Alliance from Nairobi and rally their troops to ensure ODM leader Raila Odinga is the next president.

In sustained campaigns across the capital yesterday, the team made up of current and former MPs claimed the Deputy President was unfit to lead the country, urging voters to back Raila on August 9. They also took issue with the continued scornful attacks by Ruto against President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila.

Former Nairobi County Assembly speaker Beatrice Elachi partly blamed the current state of the economy on the DP, claiming he was responsible for crafting policies that had a negative impact on the common man.

“…that is why the cost of living has gone up and the free laptops project to schools did not make an impact,” said Elachi.

She further accused Ruto of disrespecting the president by holding a rally in his backyard only to hurl insults at him. “The Deputy President's move to go to Uhuru’s backyard in Gatundu was a show of disrespect. That is why God will not bestow the presidency upon him. It is a seat that requires respect. Should he continue disrespecting President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga, then we will send him home on August 9,” she added.

Nominated MP Maina Kamanda urged residents to only vote for leaders allied to Azimio in Nairobi.

“Raila fought for the second liberation and it is time we elected such a visionary leader to be our president. This time , we are asking the electorate to go for a six-piece vote right from the governor’s seat to the MCA to ensure we clinch majority seats,” said Kamanda.