One Kenya Alliance (OKA) has refuted claims that some of its members in a coalition pact with DP Ruto's UDA. [File, Standard]

The One Kenya Alliance has refuted claims that some of its members were in parallel arrangements with other political formations. 

This comes in the backdrop of speculations and unfounded rumours that ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi was in talks with Deputy President Wiliam Ruto, planning a coalition into the General Election.

Speaking jointly to the press on Wednesday, January 5, the co-principals said that the alliance was still intact and focused on giving just leadership to Kenyans.

“I want to urge the media to disregard speculations, misinformation and unfounded rumours going round that some of our members have shifted allegiance to other political formations. OKA continues to grow and attract others including

In addition, the co-principals downplayed media reports indicating that the presidential race in the coming elections was a two-horse race.

They also disclosed that they (Mudavadi, Kalonzo, Wetangula and Gideon Moi) were planning a retreat from February 18 after which they would name their presidential candidate.

ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi also refuted Deputy President William Ruto’s remarks on New Year’s eve at the Cleophas Malala football tournament.

“I must be powerful if it is said I give permission to Kenyans to visit places. Kenyans are free to move with no permission from anyone. I shall defend the Constitutional right of freedom of association,” Mudavadi said.

He added, “I will not shy from saying who I have met. I will associate freely, without fear of intimidation. When I meet anyone I will say it. It is not a secret,”

They said the statement was to set the record straight following reports that ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya’s Moses Wetangula had plans of forming a coalition with DP Ruto’s UDA, to clinch the presidency.

The reports started after Ruto, in a surprise visit to Cleophas Malala tournament in Bungoma, said that Mudavadi and Wetang’ula are the only Luhya leaders he can work with and form the next government.

Ruto said other leaders from the region who are supporting Azimio la Umoja, which is being spearheaded by ODM leader Raila Odinga, were political brokers who want to auction the community to the highest bidder.

“Mudavadi and Wetang’ula are the only legitimate leaders of the Mulembe nation and as a community, you should support them. Tell them that they should join the ‘Hustler’ nation so that we can form the next government together,” said Ruto.