Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka. [Boniface Okendo, Standard]

Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka has gazetted next week Tuesday and Wednesday- December 21 and 22 as special sittings, to discuss some key bills.

Senators will be required to resume the House at Parliament Buildings, at 10.00 am and 2.00 pm to deliberate on the arising matters.

“Pursuant to Standing Order 30 (1) of the Senate Standing Orders, on the request of the Senate Majority Leader, with the support of the requisite number of Senators, I have appointed Tuesday, December 21 and Wednesday, December 22, as days for special sittings of the Senate,” Lusaka said in a statement.

Senators will be debating the Budget policy statement for the Financial Year 2022/2023, the County Oversight and Accountability Bill, and the Lifestyle Audit bill.

Other bills before Senate next week include: The report of the standing committee on Labour and Social welfare on the status of the new Dandora Stadium, the Kenyan Sign Language Bill, the County Governments (Amendment) Bill, the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration (Amendment) Bill, the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood) Bill and the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill.

Senate will then be adjourned till February 8 next year.