ODM National Executive Committee Chairman John Mbadi (right) with Deputy Secretary-General Agnes Zani (c) at Kempinski Hotel, Nairobi. [Jenipher Wachie, Standard]

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) began putting its house in order even as it emerged that its leader Raila Odinga may have already expressed interest in party's presidential ticket.

The party's National Executive Committee (NEC) met yesterday at a city hotel and resolved, among other things, to start preparations for grassroots elections.

The party also reiterated its February 26 deadline for those interested in flying the party presidential ticket to formally express their interest through its election board.

Although ODM officials did not reveal who the applicants thus far are, sources within the party told the Saturday Standard that Raila had expressed interest.

Others who have publicly expressed interest are Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his Mombasa counterpart Ali Hassan Joho.

Yesterday's NEC meeting also received and reviewed reports from various standing committees.

Addressing the media yesterday at Villa Rosa Kempinski Hotel in Nairobi, the NEC said it will soon convene a meeting to set dates for branch elections.

Dr Agnes Zani, ODM deputy secretary-general, said the party could not hold grassroots elections last year due to Covid-19 restrictions and its focus on Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) launch.

At the same time, the NEC noted members should by now have internalised contents of BBI and accompanying Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2020.

"The members should use the content they have read to elucidate it to the public at the grassroots for better understanding," said Dr Zani.

The party also said it has resolved to work with ruling party Jubilee and other like-minded political parties to walk the journey of ensuring that BBI process is concluded positively.

It also adopted the recommendations of the Standing Committee of Legal Affairs to align the party constitution, elections and nomination rules with the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and applicable national statues in readiness for 2022 General Election.

According to the recommendations, for any candidate to participate in the 2022 nominations, one must have been an ODM member for at least two years.

The Orange party also resolved that 13 Nairobi MCAs who appeared before the disciplinary committee of the party were found to have committed various offences under the party constitution and code of conduct.

"Each of the MCAs is therefore to be reprimanded in writing and be required to tender unequivocal apology," added Dr Zani.