Homa Bay Woman Representative Gladys Wanga during an interview in Kisumu where she told off those calling for Matiang'i's resignation and dragging Raila and Uhuru's name in fake gold saga. [Photo: Denish Ochieng/ Standard]

Homa Bay Women Representative Gladys Wanga has hit out at politicians linking President Uhuru Kenyatta, AU special envoy for infrastructure Raila Odinga and Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i to the fake gold scam.

Speaking in Kisumu today, Wanga accused politicians allied to the Deputy President William Ruto of trying to take advantage of the situation to malign the names of the president and Raila.

She claimed that the three leaders are clean, and she can read malice in the attacks that they have received from a section of leaders who have also called for Matiang’i to resign from his position.

“We are aware that some leaders from Rift Valley were sent to drag the names of the president, Raila and Matiang’i into the fake gold scam,” said Wanga.

The legislator accused the leaders of attempting to politicize the matter in a desperate attempt to gain political mileage.

“The Director of Criminal Investigations are already investigating the matter and they should be given time to conclude their investigations,” she said.

The MP expressed confidence in the work that the DCI does to weed out corruption arguing that they will unearth the truth about the fake gold scam.

Her comments came at a time when a section of leaders have also been calling for Matiang’i to resign.

Over the weekend, Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa reportedly called for the CS to resign over the gold scam.

On Sunday however, Wanga threw her weight behind Matiang’i’s leadership in his docket and claimed that the leaders attacking him were unhappy because of his exemplary performance.

“The calls for Matiang’i to step aside are a display of ignorance. People are unhappy because he is doing a good job and they cannot now purport to launch non-existent projects,” said Wanga.