Mishi Mboko's late brother Dr Ali Juma. Photo: Courtesy.

The brother to Likoni Member of Parliament and ODM deputy director of election Mishi Mboko is dead following alleged suicide.

The family of the deceased, Dr Ali Juma, was informed of the incident on Sunday and is awaiting a postmortem report to be done on Monday in Cuba.

ODM party, through their Twitter handle, has sent its condolences to the family in this trying moment.

“Condolences to the family of Likoni MP and deputy director of elections Hon @mbokomishi following the death of her brother Dr Ali Hamso in Cuba where he had gone to pursue Masters Degree in Medicine. We pray for God's fortitude in the family during this sad moment.” Tweeted ODM.

Cuban training

Dr Ali Juma was among the 50 Kenyan doctors sent to Cuba to pursue further studies at the University of Medical Sciences in Havana, to specialize in Family Medicine.

The sponsored medics have been on record decrying harsh living condition and failure by the Kenyan government to provide them with the agreed stipend to meet their daily expenditure.

It was reported that an exercise book costing Sh30 here in Kenya goes for Sh800 in Cuba.  Majority of them were reportedly unable to afford a cup of tea due to its costly price of Sh600.

According to the agreement that saw them leave the country, they were to be paid a stipend of Sh36,000 monthly. However, complaints emerged over the failure by the government to be consistent in settling the allowances.

The medics are expected to undergo two years of training in Cuba with the government expected to cough sh215 million shillings in the program.