Study stumbles across a potential cure for autism

Myth 1: Masturbation affects sperm count

It does not. And many tales suggests that a man’s low sperm count could be due to masturbating too much in his younger years. Unlike women who are born with a set number of eggs, men are not born with a set number of sperms. They constantly produce them, about 3 to 5 million hourly for a healthy man. However, constant ejaculation can affect the amount or quality of the semen and the sperm produced.


Myth 2: Sitting close to the TV or reading in the dark damages your eyes

While they may cause you eye strain, they do not in any way affect your sight or damage your eyes. At least not in recent years. The early colour TV generations did emit lots of radiation hence the popular warning, but evolved technology has laid that to rest.   


Myth 3: Autism is caused by vaccinations

While it has been repeatedly repeated that the MMR vaccines are responsible for autism, studies have shown that isn’t the case.


Myth 4: Supplements are necessary for good health

It has been shown that supplements could actually do more harm than good and it is best to get your nutrition from real food. 

A study carried out at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden showed that majority of women who had previously been on calcium supplements suffered a stroke and increased their risk of dementia later on in their lives.


Myth 5: Shaved hair grows back thicker and faster

The hair only looks darker because it hasn’t been bleached by the sun. And it only looks thicker because the edges are blunt. But in no way does the speed of regrowth alter due to repeated shaves.


Myth 6: Stomach ulcers are caused by stress or spicy foods

While even doctors seemed to believe this, research debunked this. Ulcers are actually caused by Helicobacter pylori. The painful sores along your digestive system can also be caused by some medicines.


Myth 7: You are pregnancy risk free if you have unprotected sex during your menses

Do you know how many children have been born due to this myth? Well, fact is, a human sperm can survive for up to a week in the woman’s body and ovulation can occur just as soon as the bleeding ends. Want to gamble with this one?


Myth 8: Eating for two

This is a myth that has been perpetuated for a very long time, often leading to unnecessary weight gain for mothers. Even in the third trimester, only 200 calories more than the usual 2000 recommended for a woman who is not pregnant are necessary. Know what is equivalent to 200 calories? A spoonful of mayo, half an apple and a teaspoonful of peanut butter or three buttered slices of bread.


Myth 9: You don’t need protection when having oral sex

Newsflash, you can get syphilis, gonorrhea or herpes when you go down on an infected person. So take as much caution as you would with sexual intercourse.