CORD leader Raila Odinga presents a certificate of honour to the late Otieno Kajwang’s wife during Kajwang’s anniversary at Waondo Village in Mbita constituency. PHOTO: JAMES OMORO/STANDARD

CORD leader Raila Odinga has revealed how former Homa Bay Senator the late Otieno Kajwang' acted as his key informer in ODM.

Speaking when he joined the late Kajwang's family at his home in Waondo village, Mbita Constituency, Mr Raila recalled how Mr Kajwang warned him against those who were not loyal to him, and some of the warnings came to pass after Kajwang's death.

In what could only be compared to the biblical writings when Jesus Christ predicted that Judas Iscariot would betray him, Raila said he never believed what the vocal senator used to tell him. Instead, he tried to ignore him.

But after Kajwang's death, the predictions came to be true when a number of ODM legislators decided to ditch the party to work with the Jubilee administration.

Yesterday, Raila recalled how Kajwang' told him of the betrayal during a rally at Sikri trading centre in Homa Bay county a few days before he died.

Development projects

"Just a few days before Kajwang' died, we had a rally at Sikri with him where he told me that some of our MPs would betray us. But his prediction has come true because some of them have now decamped for the other side," said Raila.

Raila criticised the MPs whom he said had decamped to Jubilee Government. He said the MPs were just lying to their electorate that they are going to bring them development projects in their constituencies.

Raila described Kajwang' as a leader who used to provide good advice. The CORD leader also revealed that Kajwang' was dependable in defending him from attacks by Jubilee legislators.

"Today, the National Assembly Majority leader Aden Duale makes a lot of noise but Kajwang' was my soldier who could discipline him effectively," said Raila. Kajwang' died two years ago.

"Today, you can hear some people from Kwale County saying they are seeking development projects but Senator Juma Boy will tell you that there is no achievement," said Raila.