Former President Mwai Kibaki. He was yesterday reported to be responding well to treatment at a hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa. (PHOTO: COURTESY)

Former President Mwai Kibaki was yesterday reported to be responding well to treatment at a hospital in 
Johannesburg, South Africa.

There was no official communication but sources said he was hospitalised in Sunninghill Hospital, which
is located in the exclusive Sandton in Gauteng. The hospital is reputed for having some of the best medical facilities and top cardiologists in the country.

A close associate of thefamily said Mr Kibaki’s health had “tremendously improved since he arrived in the hospital after suffering a minor stroke”.

“He is doing very well and we hope he will be released from hospital before the end of the week. He is in a very upbeat mood,” said the source.

The former President was accompanied by “two or three doctors” including cardiologist Josiah Ruturi, and his last born son, Anthony Githinji.

His daughter, Judy Wanjiku, joined the rest of the family members in South Africa, yesterday morning.

A cross section of political and religious leaders wished Kibaki quick recovery.

President Uhuru Kenyatta urged Kenyans to pray for the former President when he spoke during the 38th commemoration of his father’s death in Nairobi.

“Let us pray for Kibaki so that he recovers quickly and returns home. Let Kenyans emulate my father, Kibaki and others for their selfless service to the nation. These are great people who should be remembered at all times, whether in or out of office,” said Uhuru.

Opposition leader, Raila Odinga, who worked closely with Kibaki in the Grand Coalition Government when he served as the Prime Minister, also wished him quick recovery.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this trying moment. We believe all Kenyans have him in prayers too. We also wish the former President speedy recovery and we encourage his family to stay strong,” said Raila.

Nyeri Catholic Archbishop Peter Kairo said the Church was praying for Kibaki so that he can fully recover and return home.

“He is in our prayers. We are asking God to heal him so that he can come back home and continue with nation building. We are also asking God to give his family strength and blessings,” said Archbishop Kairo.

Anglican Church of Kenya, Mt Kenya West Diocese Bishop Joseph Kagunda said the church was also praying for the former president and his family. “He is definitely in our prayers and we believe in the power of prayers. God will heal him so that he can come back home,” said Bishop Kagunda.

In Nyeri, residents of Othaya Rural constituency where Kibaki was MP for more than 38 years congregated in small groups discussing his hospitalisation. Local churches had special prayers for him. In Kibaki’s Iriaini village, his MCA David Ndirangu led the local residents in wishing the third President of Kenya quick recovery.

“We are saddened by the news of his hospitalisation. Most of the people here identify him as one of their own having represented them for over three decades,” said Mr Ndirangu.

The former president was taken ill on Saturday night when he was rushed to Karen Hospital before being flown out to South Africa on Sunday afternoon aboard a chartered flight.

In December 2002, Kibaki, then the Opposition presidential candidate was taken to the UK for treatment after he was involved in an accident at the Machakos turn-off as his motorcade was coming back to Nairobi from a campaign rally.

The former President is the Unesco Special Envoy for Water, a role he has actively been involved in.