NAIROBI: Governor William Kabogo has for the first time waded into the controversy surrounding the construction of a Sh100 million Neurosurgery Unit at Kiambu District Hospital.

Addressing journalists at Thika level 5 hospital, Mr Kabogo said allegations that the neurosurgery unit would cost Sh100 million were untrue.

He said upon completion, the unit would cost only Sh50 million. He added the matter had been blown out of proportion and taken a political angle.

Kaboga challenged the county assembly to fully investigate whether there is corruption surrounding the construction unit.

“If investigations reveal any officials in the department including the Health Executive has been involved in corruption, he or she will have a lot of problems from me since I will not cordon embezzlement of public funds,” said Kabogo.

Kabogo’s remarks deepen the mystery surrounding the establishment of the neurosurgery unit since they contradict a statement issued by the County Executive for Health Jonah Mwangi, who during a press conference last week, said the county government spent only Sh6 million to build the unit.


“I do not know where the Sh50 million figure is coming from because it never came from us. It is just being dropped by someone else to discredit the Health Department,” said Dr Mwangi.

Two weeks ago, members of county assembly complained that the neurosurgery unit the county government was talking about was non-existent. The assembly’s health committee and ward representatives became skeptical after the county government in a newspaper advert said the unit would cost Sh 100 million contrary to the Sh50 million that the Deputy Governor Gerald Githinji said it would cost during its launch in August last year.

The MCAs said despite the announcement that that the unit was established last year, it has not functioned and the area has been converted into a women’s ward.

While launching the unit, Mr Githinji announced that it would have a theatre, operation rooms, 16 beds and four intensive care units. The MCAs have threatened to impeach the governor and the Health executive over the mystery surrounding the unit.