Safaricom Chief Executive Bob Collymore

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has renewed Safaricom Chief Executive Bob Collymore's term as a board member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Collymore's term has been extended for another three years in recognition of his remarkable contribution to championing the work of the Global Compact across Africa. This comes as Collymore's term in office at Safaricom was also extended by two years from August this year.

Safaricom's board of directors cited Mr Collymore's role in helping the telecom giant record an unprecedented net profit of Sh32 billion during the financial year 2014/2015.

In extending his term, UN noted Collymore's sustained role in the fight against corruption and unethical practices through his proactive participation as a member of the UNGC's Anti-Corruption working group.

The UN Global Compact Board is the world's largest corporate citizenship initiative that encourages businesses globally to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies.

The board chaired by the UN secretary general consists of 30 members and provides high level strategic advice relating to the evolving United Nations-Business relationship.