By Isaiah Lucheli

NAIROBI, KENYA: A woman who confessed to having planned to kill her husband has been released on Sh1 million cash bail.

Principal Magistrate Peter Ndwiga had slapped the woman with Sh3 million bond and a surety of a similar amount and an alternative of Sh1 million cash bail after she changed her plea.

She had admitted that she had hatched the plot to kill her husband but later changed her plea.

Faith Wairimu Maina stunned the court last week after she confessed to having paid hitmen a down payment of Sh 40,000 to execute her husband.

Through lawyer John Swaka, Wairimu submitted that the hardship she had undergone while in police custody had made her to accept the charges as were read then as she was not in a clear set of mind.

In an application, the lawyer submitted that there was a sharp disconnect of a suspect taking a plea under circumstances, which rendered her hapless and unable to know what she was doing.

“According to the law a suspect ought to take unequivocal plea but at that time of taking plea Wairimu did not know what she was saying,” said the lawyer.

The court was told how the woman paid the ‘hit men’ a down payment of Sh 40,000 and demanded for the blood stained clothes of her husband to confirm his death before completing the Sh 160,000 balance.

It also emerged in court that this was the second time that the woman was attempting to have her husband John Muthee killed after an earlier mission flopped after the would be assassins developed cold feet despite having parted with Sh 40,000.

According to the prosecutor Karuri Thuku the accused hatched the plot to eliminate her husband for allegedly having extra marital affair with a lady by the name Njeri Wambaa.

The court heard that in an attempt to achieve her plan she roped in one mama Kevo whose duty was to scout and hire a hit squad whose sole duty was to eliminate Muthee.

After being assigned her duty mama Kevo hit the road running and approached one Wilson Mwangi and sought him to link him up with individuals who could execute the job.

However unknown to Mam Kevo, his point man (Mwangi) was a police informer and immediately they parted ways he reported the matter to the officer in-charge of the flying squad in the city.

Upon reporting the matter three police officers Peter Nderitu, Joseph Lagat and Moses Gitwamba were assigned to investigate the allegation and they took over the role of the ‘hit men’ and started getting in touch with Wairimu.

The case will be heard on September 12.