- Pulse

As the New Year starts, it was all a fresh start for rapper and super emcee DNG.

The singer, radio presenter, emcee and businessman has submitted his life to Christ, again. The former One FM presenter has also shaved his trademark dreadlocks — of six years.

“My locks were a sign of rebellion when I decided to live my life my way, go out and plunge into what I then... called ‘self-discovery’ in 2006.

Since then, I have gone through various motions, journeys and seasons in life. It is my pleasure to announce that my phase of rebellion is over, by the grace and to the glory of God,” DNG said after the soul-searching encounter on Wednesday night.

No one saw this coming. It caught the entertainment industry by surprise and many are yet to come to terms with the announcement.

It is not clear what events led to this move, which comes only months after DNG quite his lucrative radio job to concentrate on his entertainment outfit 254.

On New Year’s Eve, Pulse spotted DNG walking along a deserted Koinange Street, Nairobi, in deep thought.

He was alone, unusually, without his car and entourage. His New Year night was quiet as he kept off most of the activities going on in the city — which is so uncharacteristic of him.

The rapper who started off as a secular artiste gave his life to Jesus in 2006 but quickly reverted to the ways of the world.

Pulse broke the news after we spotted and photographed him drinking alcohol. Six and a half years later, DNG has given his life back to Christ and Pulse wishes him the every best as he harts a new course in life.

“I have given this a lot of thought, and have sought diverse counsel. I am at peace with my decision. I now embrace total surrender to God’s will and purpose. This is a year of definition for me. In His divine timing, all shall be made perfect and clear,” a thoughtful DNG remarked.